"Suluhisho Makini kwa Kilimo na Ufugaji"

"Classic Agribusiness Solutions"

Organization structure
Yah: Mwaliko wa Kukamilisha Utafiti Wetu wa Wadau wa Kilimo
Bofya hapa kujaza fomu hii


Jeremia Ramos Makindara (PhD)

Chairman of Board of Directors, board member

Jeremia Ramos Makindara (PhD)

is a Chairperson of the Board of Directors at Mrutu Agro-Solutions Company Limited. He is an Associate Professor of Agribusiness in the Department of Business Management, College of Economics and Business Studies, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania. Prof. Makindara has a PhD in Agricultural Economics whereby his research work was on Sorghum Value Chain Analysis in Tanzania and was done under a sandwich program between SUA and Ohio State University (USA) under RUFORUM – HEPAD Fellowship program. Prof. Makindara research interests include agribusiness and entrepreneurship development and innovation, new products development, marketing, business sustainability, value chain analysis, food security issues, post-harvest losses, social capital, climate change and gender studies.


Prof. Ephraim Joseph Mtengeti

Vice Chairman of Board of Directors, board member

Prof. Ephraim Joseph Mtengeti

is a Vice Chairman of Board of Directors at Mrutu Agro-Solutions Co.Ltd. He is a Retired Associate Professor- Pastures production and utilization. Dept of Animal, Aquaculture & Range Sciences; Sokoine University of Agriculture. Attained PhD Pasture Agronomy in University of Wales, UK 1993 and over the years has accumulated experience on training, research and outreach on forage production and utilization. Among major topics in training include Pasture Establishment and Management, Plant Ecophysiology, Forage Conservation Techniques, Management of Grassland Systems. Research areas are screening forage plant ecotypes, effect of grazing animals -plant interaction on forage nutritive value and soils characteristics, feeding strategies to reduce greenhouse gases, forage conservation techniques, forage management strategies to improve nutritive value, and Environment and Climate Compatible Agriculture. Among important outputs of the research projects done include; Improved Dry Season Strategies of Dairy Cattle under smallholder famers; Forage Conservation Technologies developed in particular, in bag silage making and homemade wooden hay bailing box; Adapting dryland communities to climate change through integration of their livelihood and natural resources. Also, among the outputs include capacity building where a total of 23 and 7 students graduated their M.Sc. and PhD, respectively, and a total of 44 journal papers, 61proceeding papers and 7 book chapters have been published.


Marco Brini

Advisory Board member

Marco Brini

is a advisory board member at Mrutu Agro-Solutions Company Limited. He is the distinguished leader in Digital Agriculture, renowned for transformative work spanning two decades. With a strong focus on digital innovation and sustainability, he spearheads projects worldwide, mitigating risks for smallholder farmers, reducing pesticide usage while mitigating pest and diseases risk and saving water. Marco's expertise in digital technologies, earns partnerships with esteemed organisations like Syngenta, Nestlé, USAID. As an influential author and strategic consultant, his insights guide the ITU Focus Group on AI and IoT for Digital Agriculture and the FAO's High-Level Panel of Experts. Marco shapes the future of sustainable farming practices globally through unwavering commitment.


Primitiva Andrea Mboyerwa (PhD)

Board member

Primitiva Andrea Mboyerwa (PhD)

is a Board Member at Mrutu Agro-Solutions Company Limited. She is a Soil scientist and agronomist Researcher with a PhD in Climate smart agriculture and Biodiversity Management from Haramaya University, Ethiopia. She holds a Master of Science in Soil Science and Land Management, and Bachelor of Science in Agronomy from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.She has ten years’ experience in research, consultancy,training and extension in soil sciences, climate smart agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem conservation. Her research interests are in soil water management, climate smart agriculture, soil conservation, soil fertility management, agronomic fortification, farming systems,and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, optimizing water and fertilizer use efficiencies.



Philipo Fahamuel Mrutu

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of MRUTU AGRO-SOLUTIONS COMPANY LIMITED

Philipo Fahamuel Mrutu

Philipo Fahamuel Mrutu is a dynamic and visionary leader, currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director at MRUTU AGROSOLUTIONS COMPANY LIMITED and Smart Agripreneurship Innovation Centre (SAIC). With atrack record of excellence, he has steered the company to remarkable achievements, including receiving prestigious accolades such as the 1st Runner-up Africa Agribusiness Company of the Year 2023 Award. Philipo's dedication to entrepreneurship was further recognized when he secured the 3rd Prize Award in the Entrepreneurship Category in 2022, as part of the National Economic Empowerment Council Exhibitions Program. He has also recently been appointed as an African Agriculture and Food Change makers Ambassador. Drawing from over nine years of experience, Philipo has honed his expertise across various facets of agribusiness and entrepreneurship. He is not only an Agripreneur but also a trusted Consultant, Author, Coach, Mentor, Manager, Facilitator, and Trainer in these domains. Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness from Sokoine University of Agriculture, he possesses a solid academic foundation complemented by practical insights gained through years of hands-on experience. Philipo's commitment to driving positive change extends beyond his professional endeavours. He actively contributes to various organizations, serving as a founder board member of the Tanzania Pan African Investors Association (TAPAIA) and maintaining active membership in the Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT) and Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (Morogoro Branch). In 2024 he was elected as Vice Chairperson of Umoja wa Wajasiriamali Tanzania (UWAJATA; Morogoro Branch) Additionally, he plays a pivotal role as a founder member and consultant of Amani Agricultural and Marketing Cooperative Society Limited, facilitating grassroots initiatives in the agricultural sector. His passion for youth empowerment and sustainable agriculture is evident in his initiatives, such as facilitating training on greenhouse farming for youth and establishing linkages between farmers and markets through innovative schemes like 'Out grower schemes'. Philipo's visionary leadership led to the establishment of Kilimo na Ujasiriamali Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited, providing crucial financial solutions to farmers and entrepreneurs. As a Managing Director, Philipo spearheads corporate strategy and direction, leveraging his expertise to develop and implement innovative agribusiness strategies. He places a strong emphasis on evidence-based advocacy, advisory work, and scaling up operations to deliver outstanding results. Philipo's core values of integrity, growth mindset, entrepreneurship, and visionary leadership drive him towards realizing the company's overarching goal of improving yields and increasing total revenues in agribusiness projects. In essence, Philipo Fahamuel Mrutu epitomizes leadership excellence in the agribusiness sector, embodying values of innovation, creativity, and personal development. His relentless pursuit of excellence continues to inspire positive change, making him a formidable force in the international development arena.


Mr. Venance Makemba


Mr. Venance Makemba

is expert on Aquaculture and fisheries issues, with lot of skills and experiences on that field for 4 years now since 2017. He pursued the degree on Aquatic science and fisheries technology at University of Dar es salaam by being sponsored by MO Dewji trust fund foundation for all academic years (2017-2020). Also pursued the training on 21 Century skills (leadership, employability, entrepreneurship, mind set, and communication skills) under MO Dewji trust fund (March-April 2020). Mr. Makemba has worked with various company and NG'Os like Sameki fish farming compy ltd on 2018/2019(Mwanza ) as temporary employee, AFO(Aqua farm organization) as Volunteers(2017). He is founder and director of Mrutu Agro-solutions company ltd which deals with providing different services on Agricultural business and live stock keeping(fish, goats, cows). Currently he is doing the extension services on Aquaculture and fisheries project as one service provided by Mrutu Agro-solutions company ltd to help and provide various services for fish farmers/investors who keep and want to venture the fish farming by doing site visiting, writings report (CBA), fish pond, tanks and cages design and construction, supplying fish fingerlings, feed and connecting farmers to a fish market for their products. Six words of Mr. Makemba are honest, kindness, Passion, hardworking, socialization and keep on learning. .


Dr. Juma s. Yusuph

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

Dr. Juma s. Yusuph

is an expert in livestock health and productions. He pursued bachelor degree of veterinary medicine at Sokoine University of Agriculture and livestock field training at Kongwa national ranch(Dodoma), Kitulo national diary farms(Mbeya), Ruvu jkt poultry farms, Ubena prison ranch, and National insemination center/NAIC(Arusha). Dr. Juma s.Yusuph has worked in various veterinary facilities from agrovets and vet. centres as volunteer. He also worked at Quality pets clinic and accessories(Dar es salaam, 2021/2022) as temporary employee. Dr. Juma yusuph is a book witter, of SHAMBA LA KUKU, a book that helped many farmers to learn about basic principles of poultry farming and solutions to common challenges. Currently he is the head of department of livestock productions at Mrutu agrosolutions company ltd, which stands to help farmers interested in poultry farming, piggery productions, Dairy & beef cattle productions, sheep and goats keeping etc. for both establishments and managements. Words of Dr Yusuph, ''animals do talks only for those who able to listen them.''


Norah J Mwacha

Post- harvest , social and community development worker

Norah J Mwacha

I am Nutrition and post-harvest officer at Mrutu Agro solutions company limited where we deal with Agribusiness development and consultancy which provides different Agribusiness consultancy activities such as Agribusiness planning and proposal write ups, farmers training and processing Agro-product for marketing so as to promote sustainable agribusiness and entrepreneurship activities for improving livelihood of agriculture value chain actors. As a post-harvest consultant we ensure

  • • proper Harvesting, handling, storage, processing, packaging, transportation and marketing of agricultural products so as to maintain quality (appearance, texture, flavour and nutritive value of agricultural products)
  • • Making more nutritive food items from agricultural commodities
  • • To reduce losses between harvest and consumption to protect food safety.
  • • Meeting food requirements of a growing population by eliminating losses.
Field practical Training (Agribusiness Project At Ulaya AP Kilosa) ACTIVITIES PERFORMED I participated in conducting Agribusiness workshops, seminars and farm field visits which involved educating farmers in agriculture value chain increase, preventing pre and post-harvest losses and formation of farmers groups. So as to improve farmer’s livelihood at Kilosa AP Also I participated in providing nutrition education on how poor nutrition and poor sanitation affects children's school performance
2. FAMILY SMILE ORGANISATION (field practical training)
ACTIVITIES PERFORMED I participated in conducting "MSINGI WA LISHE BORA" project which involved Nutrition counselling to primary students in Morogoro Municipal ,educating them on benefits of living a healthy lifestyle at a young age and establishing LISHE CLUBS so as to ensure project sustainability


Happyness S Karoly

Livestock Officer for animal management and production

Happyness S Karoly

A degree holder in bacherol of science in animal science at Sokoine university of Agriculture, and now as a livestock officer dealing with livestock keeping,management and production of farm animals.
Generally, Happyness Karoly is a livestock officer of MRUTU AGROSOLUTIONS COMPANY LIMITED which perform different activities such as Agro consultancy activities,Seedlings and seeds supplying activities,Fish pond construction, Green house and solar dryers construction, Construction of irrigation system,Farm visiting, Support activities for animal production and crop production and other Agricultural related support services depend on customer's needs.
For Animal management and production services as my carrier, the following are duties/ responsibilities;
1. Farm visit and reports(include biosecurity installation and survey)
2. Farm base Training/ short courses about livestock
3. Poultry production,Dairy cattle production,Goats and sheep keeping( small ruminants),piggery production( Proposals write ups, establishment and management)
4. Cattle fattening program( proposal write ups, establishment and management)
5. Pasture establishment and Management

September to October 2020: Field practical training at MAGADU FARM located at Sokoine University of agriculture where I gained experience in general husbandry practices on livestock (rabbits, pigs, goat, cattle, sheep and poultry). The husbandry practices referred are animal feeding, diseases diagnosis and treatment, parasite prevention and control, animal breeding, animal identification, daily farm recording and dehorning.
August to September 2021: Field practical training at INTERNATIONAL TANFEEDS LIMITED performing feeds production for different kind of animals such as daily cow, pig and layers. Also, I was able to perform hygiene and cleanness practices, animal disease treatment (more experience in foot and mouth disease), calf management and feeding, daily milking routine and record, animal inspection and ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection at MATOCHA FARM in Mazimbu,Morogoro.


Mr. Mathias Tesha

is an expert on Agricultural economics and Agribusiness issues.

Mr. Mathias Tesha

is an expert on Agricultural economics and Agribusiness issues, with a lot of skills and experiences on that field for 6 years now, since 2016. He pursued the degree on BSc in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness from Sokoine University of Agriculture (2016-2019).
During his second year at university He attended field practical training at Livestock Training Agency Tanzania (LITA) Morogoro Campus from July 2018 up to October 2018 were He learnt a lot about livestock and commercialization of livestock production in Tanzania.
Then after finishing his last semester at the University, He started working with Vision Fund Tanzania Morogoro Business Centre under World Vision International for field practical training, from July 2019 to September 2019. While there, He participated in training and providing loans to Small farmers aim at increasing their production and raising their live hood. He made field follow-up to farmers whom we lend money to check their progress and advise them where possible. He worked with farmers who cultivate tomato, rice and maize around Morogoro and also who keep livestock, poultry and pig.
Currently He is working with Mrutu Agro-Solutions Company limited at Marketing and Finance Department, where he deals with writings of Project proposal, Business plan, field visit reports, seminar reports also advertising products provided under company. He believes in classic agricultural solutions for betterment of agricultural sector, food security, youth unemployment solution and increase in country’s GDP.


Mr. Innocent Mkenda

is a dedicated IT Consultant with a passion for leveraging technology to drive business growth and efficiency.

Mr. Innocent Mkenda

is a dedicated IT Consultant with a passion for leveraging technology to drive business growth and efficiency. With a solid background in information technology, Innocent has developed expertise in areas such as network administration, software development, cybersecurity, and IT project management. He brings a results-driven approach to every project, focusing on delivering practical, cost-effective solutions tailored to meet each client's unique needs.
Throughout his career, Innocent has successfully collaborated with various organizations, helping them navigate the complexities of digital transformation, optimize their IT infrastructure, and implement robust security measures. His ability to understand both the technical and business aspects of IT projects allows him to effectively communicate with stakeholders and bridge the gap between technology and business objectives.
In addition to his consulting work, Innocent is committed to continuous learning and professional development. He stays abreast of the latest technological trends and innovations, ensuring his clients benefit from the most up-to-date and effective solutions available. He is also passionate about knowledge sharing and often participates in community initiatives to promote digital literacy and technology awareness.


Engineer Said Karimu Mohamed

is an expert on Agriculture with a lot of skills and experiences on that field for five (5) years .

Engineer Said Karimu Mohamed

is an expert on Agriculture with a lot of skills and experiences on that field for five (5) years . He pursued the degree on BSc in Agricultural Engineering from Sokoine University of Agriculture Currently He is working with Mrutu Agrosolutions company limited at department of engineering, were he deals with Agromechanization (agricultural machines consultancy) units, design and installation of all types of irrigation system and all farm structure design and constructions such as greenhouse/screenhouse and animal houses. He believes in modern farming system for better agriculture productivity which will make the availability of food for the better life.


Mr. Tito Nicholaus Mahondo

is an expert on Agriculture with a lot of skills and experiences on that field for five (5) years .

Mr. Tito Nicholaus Mahondo

is an expert in aquaculture and aquatic science got this career after pursuing a bachelor of aquaculture and aquatic science at the University of Dodoma from the academic year 2017 to 2020 through his studying got through work experience by working with different public organizations as follow, Tanga fisheries department, Machui hatchery 2018, Musoma kj27 fish farm 2019, EAMCEF Iringa Kilolo 2020 where he taught community on fish farming, currently, he is working with Mirembe hospital as aquaculture expert at Occupation Therapy department and aquaculture consultant at Mrutu Agro-solutions.
Apart from that Mr. Mahondo have skills in digital marketing specifically in content marketing, copywriting, and search engine optimization this gives him a wide range in helping emerging and mid company dealing with aquaculture to grow also spread awareness through the creation of aquaculture content that may help people who want to engage in aquaculture to know what they supposed to pay attention before moving their step into this business.



is an expert on Aquaculture and fisheries issues, with a lot of skills and enough experiences on that field for 7


is an expert on Aquaculture and fisheries issues, with a lot of skills and enough experiences on that field for 7 years now since 2016.
He pursued the diploma on fisheries science and aquaculture technology at fisheries education and training agency (FETA)-NYEGEZI CAMPUS in academic years 2015-2018.
MR. ROBERT JONATHAN has worked with various company and NG'Os like TANZANIA FISH PROCESSOR’S COMPANY LIMITED in Mwanza as a quality inspector to as contract inspector on 2019-2020, also worked at VICTORIA FISH FARMING CONSULTANCY in Kenya as aquaculturelist to as contract officer on 2020-2021.
For now he is founder at Mrutu Agro-solutions company ltd which deals with providing different services on Agricultural business and livestock keeping like fish, goats, cows and etc...
Currently he is doing the extension services on Aquaculture and fisheries projects as a service which provided by MrutuAgro-solutions company ltd to help and provide various services for fish farmers/investors who keep and want to venture the fish farming by doing site visiting, writing report (CBA), fish pond, tanks and cages design and construction, supplying fish fingerlings, fish feeds and connecting fish farmers to fish market for selling their products.


Eng. Joseph salahange

Agricultural Engineer Mrutu Agrosolution Company Limited.

Eng. Joseph salahange

is an Agricultural engineer who is commited to working on: Designing of farm structures, installation of irrigation systems, greenhouse construction, dam and fish pond construction, water reservoir construction such as rainwater harvesting systems, design and supervision of farm houses constructions such as pig house, goat house, cow houses and so on and any other large agricultural projects. He believes that commitment to work is a key to producing quality things that makes the company remarkable.
Joseph obtained a bachelor's degree in Agricultural engineering from Sokoine University of Agriculture. He served as supervision engineer at Kilangali Irrigation scheme Kilosa-Morogoro for 2 years, Irrigation engineer at Aviv Company Limited for 1 year and practiced his skills before working with Mrutu Agrosolution Company Limited
When he's off from work, Joseph loves to reading books, doing excercises and doing evangelism services in preaching the gospel message of God to every kind of people.


Serijo John Mlasu

is a senior Project Management expert in Mrutu Agro-Solutions Company Limited. He has vast knowledge and experience in business, entrepreneurship, and management.

Serijo John Mlasu

is a senior Project Management expert in Mrutu Agro-Solutions Company Limited. He has vast knowledge and experience in business, entrepreneurship, and management.
He is a PhD candidate in Agribusiness at Sokoine University of Agriculture. He further holds a Master Course in Curriculum Development & Entrepreneurship from Virje University of Amsterdam-Netherlands. He also has a Certificate of University Teaching Qualification from Virje University of Amsterdam-Netherlands, which qualifies him to teach at European Universities. He also has a Master Degree in Business Administration-Corporate Management from Mzumbe University and a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration in Economics from the University of Iringa. He has a strong capacity for providing technical guidance in Agribusiness, Agro-industry analysis,Value chain analysis, economics, entrepreneurship, management, curricular development, soft skills, microfinance management, Leadership, Strategic Management, operations management, and research. He is currently the Head of the Unit of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at the University of Iringa. Before pursuing further studies, he headed a department of economics for one year. Upon his return, he became the head of the department of business administration for five years and a Coordinator of Applied Studies.
In recent years, he has conducted various researches under BEST AC and later BEST Dialogue in various agricultural value chains. He has conducted trainings on Public Private Dialogues in several regions, conducted SIPS in the Southern regions of Tanzania in collaboration with TCCIA regional chambers, CPRA, and other HiLine members. He has also been involved in capacity building concerning the level of implementation of Village Land Use Plans in the Njombe region, capacity building for sunflower farmers in collective bargaining and governance in Rukwa, and the identification of current and potential economic activities in the Mbeya region to improve community economic status.
He has published papers in international journals on “Towards Non-cash Payments in Tanzania: The Role of Mobile Phone Money Services” and “Multiple Borrowing and Loan Repayment: A Study of Microfinance Clients at Iringa, Tanzania.” He has participated in the design and establishment of the Centre of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Iringa. The Centre has been instrumental in the implementation of the Harmonization of the Business Education that worked collaboratively with TCU and Mzumbe University.