Happyness S Karoly
A degree holder in bacherol of science in animal science at Sokoine university of Agriculture, and now as a livestock officer dealing with livestock keeping,management and production of farm animals.
Generally, Happyness Karoly is a livestock officer of MRUTU AGROSOLUTIONS COMPANY LIMITED which perform different activities such as Agro consultancy activities,Seedlings and seeds supplying activities,Fish pond construction, Green house and solar dryers construction, Construction of irrigation system,Farm visiting, Support activities for animal production and crop production and other Agricultural related support services depend on customer's needs.
For Animal management and production services as my carrier, the following are duties/ responsibilities;
1. Farm visit and reports(include biosecurity installation and survey)
2. Farm base Training/ short courses about livestock
3. Poultry production,Dairy cattle production,Goats and sheep keeping( small ruminants),piggery production( Proposals write ups, establishment and management)
4. Cattle fattening program( proposal write ups, establishment and management)
5. Pasture establishment and Management
September to October 2020: Field practical training at MAGADU FARM located at Sokoine University of agriculture where I gained experience in general husbandry practices on livestock (rabbits, pigs, goat, cattle, sheep and poultry). The husbandry practices referred are animal feeding, diseases diagnosis and treatment, parasite prevention and control, animal breeding, animal identification, daily farm recording and dehorning.
August to September 2021: Field practical training at INTERNATIONAL TANFEEDS LIMITED performing feeds production for different kind of animals such as daily cow, pig and layers. Also, I was able to perform hygiene and cleanness practices, animal disease treatment (more experience in foot and mouth disease), calf management and feeding, daily milking routine and record, animal inspection and ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection at MATOCHA FARM in Mazimbu,Morogoro.